Site change

2024-03-03 - It's been a while...

Hello, if you had visited this site before, you may notice that something's changed. Yeah, something that I am talking about is this site that you're reading right now. (If you hadn't been there before, then that's fine, you're welcome)

It's been a while because I was really busy with other stuff instead of changing the site bit by bit, leaving it dormant for a long time. But then that day, I had decided to change and improve the site.

Here's the list of changes that are made:

  1. The pages' width is little compressed and the result's looking pretty good.
  2. Blog has been introduced. I had thoughts about having digital garden1 but I prefer blog because it, for some reason, makes sense to me.
  3. Some pages are moved for tidyness reason.

I know it isn't big but you have to consider that the site is still in infancy stage. I have to write this blog post to let everyone know about the changes to it. Anyways, have a great time.

1 Digital garden is "A garden is something inbetween a personal blog and a wiki." (README of MaggieAppleton's digital gardening tools and resources)